5 Best Weapon Mounted Lights (WMLs) for the AR15(Post)
WML is a fancy acronym for weapon-mounted light. A weapon-mounted light is self-explanatory. A weapon-mounted light is designed to give the wielder of the weapon a means to identify ...
Alternative AR Calibers (Post)The AR 15 is truly a remarkable weapon. It’s easily the most modular weapon on the planet and the aftermarket is massive. The AR 15 is so modular you can easily chamber it in a ...
AR Pistols vs the SBR's(Post)AR Pistols vs the SBRs Short-barreled rifles and AR pistols are one of the hottest trends in the firearms community right now. In an era where AR fatigue has s ...
300 Blackout vs. 5.56(Post)Every few years we hear about a new caliber that is going to replace the 5.56 in the AR realm. They come and go like the wind. Very few stick around for long and when they do, they a ...
Should Your Magazine be Stored Loaded? (Post)There is a contested debate between folks who believe in keeping their magazines full, and those who believe that storing magazines full will damage them. There is definitely merit ...
How to Choose a Rifle Sling(Post)Rifle slings are one of the most valuable accessories you can purchase. If you tend to take your rifle to do rifle things beyond a simple gun range, you should have a sling. A rifl ...
Matching Ammunition to Barrel Twist Rate(Post)The design of the AR 15 is brilliant. If you’ve ever assembled one, I’m sure you’ve stopped and thought about just how awesome the system is and how well it works ...
What is Mil-Spec and Why Should You Care? | STNGR USA(Post)Used frequently among owners of the AR-15 and its variants, “mil-spec” is a term that has achieved practically god-like status. If something is mil-spec, many assume, it must be ...
How to Choose a Gun Safe(Post)How to Choose a Gun Safe Our firearms are a great investment we make. We spend a good bit of money on them, we trust our lives to ...
10 Things to Know Before You Hit the Range(Post)Before you head to a public range you need to realize that they will all have different rules regarding different behaviors on the range. Some ranges will not allow you to draw and f ...
4 Common Errors Hurting Your Accuracy (And How To Fix Them) | STNGR USA(Post)The art of shooting is something that once you master, can be a fulfilling life-long skill. Some of us were introduced to firearms as children, others through military or law enforcement tra ...
The Top 5 AR 15 Upgrades to Enhance Accuracy and Performance | STNGR USA(Post)You can change just about everything on a AR 15 to make it the rifle you need it to be. With this in mind if I challenged myself to pick my top 5 AR 15 upgrades to increase a weapons accurac ...